20 warning signs that cancer is growing in your body

20 warning signs that cancer is growing in your body

4.Changes in Bowel Habits

Changes in bowel habits, such as persistent diarrhea or constipation, can be indicative of gastrointestinal cancers. These changes may include alterations in the frequency, consistency, or appearance of bowel movements. Monitoring bowel habits and discussing any concerns with a healthcare provider can aid in early detection and intervention if cancer is suspected.

5.Persistent Fever

Frequent or persistent fever that occurs without an apparent cause may signal an underlying health issue, including cancer. While fever is the body’s natural response to infections or inflammation, it can also occur as a result of cancer-related immune system changes. Individuals experiencing unexplained fever should seek medical evaluation to determine the underlying cause.

6.Skin Changes

Changes in the skin, such as new growths, sores that do not heal, or changes in the size or color of existing moles, can be warning signs of skin cancer or other types of cancer. Regular skin self-examinations and annual skin checks by a dermatologist are essential for early detection and treatment of skin cancers.

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Liyana Moular

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