11.Unexplained Bleeding
Unexplained bleeding or bruising that occurs without injury or persists despite appropriate care may indicate underlying health issues, including certain types of cancer. Examples include rectal bleeding, blood in the urine, abnormal vaginal bleeding, or bleeding from the gums. It is essential to seek medical advice for unexplained bleeding to determine the underlying cause.
12.Difficulty Urinating
Difficulty urinating or changes in urinary patterns, such as increased frequency, urgency, pain, or blood in the urine, may signal underlying urinary tract or prostate cancers. These symptoms should prompt further evaluation by a healthcare professional, especially in individuals at risk for these types of cancer, such as older adults or those with a family history.
13.Changes in Breast Appearance
Changes in the size, shape, texture, or appearance of the breasts, nipples, or surrounding skin can be warning signs of breast cancer. These changes may include lumps or thickening in the breast tissue, dimpling or puckering of the skin, nipple discharge, or inversion of the nipple. Regular breast self-examinations and clinical breast exams are essential for early detection and treatment.
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