Do you drool when you sleep? What it means for your health

Do you drool when you sleep? What it means for your health


  1. Is drooling during sleep normal? Drooling occasionally during sleep is normal for many people, but persistent or excessive drooling may warrant further evaluation by a healthcare professional.
  2. Can drooling during sleep be a sign of a sleep disorder? Yes, drooling during sleep can be associated with sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy, among others.
  3. Are there any home remedies for reducing drooling during sleep? Adjusting sleep position, using specialized pillows, and staying hydrated during the day can help reduce drooling during sleep for some individuals.
  4. Should I be concerned if my child drools during sleep? While occasional drooling is common in children, persistent or excessive drooling may indicate a dental issue or other underlying problem and should be discussed with a pediatrician.
  5. When should I seek medical advice for drooling during sleep? If drooling is persistent, accompanied by other symptoms, or causing significant discomfort or embarrassment, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.
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Liyana Moular

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