If your body suddenly twitches as you fall asleep, here’s what it means

If your body suddenly twitches as you fall asleep, here’s what it means

Brain Activity During Sleep Transition

During the transition from wakefulness to sleep, the body undergoes several changes. As the brain shifts from a state of alertness to relaxation, there may be temporary disruptions in muscle control, leading to hypnic jerks. These involuntary movements are believed to be a natural part of the sleep onset process.

Causes of Hypnic Jerk

Stress and Anxiety

One common cause of hypnic jerks is stress and anxiety. High levels of stress can trigger heightened muscle tension, making it more likely for the body to experience sudden muscle contractions during sleep onset.

Caffeine and Stimulants

Consuming caffeinated beverages or other stimulants close to bedtime can also increase the likelihood of experiencing hypnic jerks. These substances can interfere with the natural transition to sleep, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and involuntary movements.

Exhaustion and Fatigue

Physical exhaustion and fatigue can contribute to muscle spasms and twitching during sleep. When the body is overly tired, it may struggle to relax fully, increasing the chances of experiencing hypnic jerks as you drift off.

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Liyana Moular

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