It is considered the deadliest drink in the world and can end your life in less than 45 minutes

It is considered the deadliest drink in the world and can end your life in less than 45 minutes

How does it work?

Unlike ethanol, which the body can metabolize relatively safely, methanol is metabolized into toxic byproducts that quickly accumulate in the bloodstream, leading to rapid onset of symptoms. The neurotoxic effects of methanol can result in symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, and vomiting, progressing to confusion, seizures, coma, and death within hours.

Cases and examples

Throughout history, there have been numerous incidents of mass poisonings and deaths due to the consumption of methanol-contaminated beverages. One infamous case occurred in the United States during the Prohibition era when bootleggers produced illicit alcohol that contained high levels of methanol, resulting in thousands of deaths and illnesses.

In recent years, similar incidents have occurred in various parts of the world, often linked to the consumption of cheap or counterfeit alcohol. In 2018, more than 150 people died in Indonesia after drinking homemade alcohol laced with methanol.

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Liyana Moular

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