It is considered the deadliest drink in the world and can end your life in less than 45 minutes

It is considered the deadliest drink in the world and can end your life in less than 45 minutes

Myths and misconceptions

Despite efforts to raise awareness, there are still many myths and misconceptions surrounding the deadliest drink. Some people believe that consuming small amounts of methanol is safe or that certain home remedies can counteract its effects. It is essential to debunk these myths and provide accurate information to prevent further harm.


The deadliest drink may not be as recognizable as other poisons, but its effects can be just as deadly. With its rapid onset of symptoms and lack of antidote, methanol poses a significant risk to those who consume it unknowingly. By raising awareness, enforcing regulations, and practicing safe consumption habits, we can reduce the incidence of methanol poisoning and save lives.

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Liyana Moular

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