IF YOUR KIDNEY IS IN DANGER, The Body Will Give You These 7 Signs

IF YOUR KIDNEY IS IN DANGER, The Body Will Give You These 7 Signs

Here are the most common symptoms of kidney dysfunction:


Damaged kidneys often lead to swelling of the body, especially the legs, ankles, arms, face and feet. The body is unable to remove accumulated waste and fluids, and this causes swelling.
In a healthy state, the kidneys produce the hormone EPO (erythropoietin), which forms red blood cells. These cells are necessary for the proper supply of oxygen to the entire body.

If the red blood cell count decreases, a person often experiences muscle damage, severe anemia, fatigue, and brain damage.


Here are some other early signs of kidney damage:

Changes in urination (decreased amount of urine)
The color of urine is pale, frequent and in large quantities.
Foamy urine
Dark urine, urinating less frequently and in small quantities.
Pressure during urination
Difficulty urinating
Strong urge to urinate at night.

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Liyana Moular

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